Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Twilight was written by Stephanie Meyer and is part of a four book saga.

Meyer, S. (2005). Twilight. New York: Little Brown and Company.

The story unfolds in  current day Forks, Washington. Bella Swan has just moved there to live with her father. The two main male characters are Jacob and Edward Cullen. Some others included in the book are James (a bad vampire), Bella’s father, and the Cullen family.

Bella discovers that Edward enthralls her, but he is a vampire. Jacob is very jealous of Bella’s budding relationship with Edward.

Rising Action:
Edward swears he will protect Bella (from himself and other vamps) even though he is a vampire. They are too in love to stay away from each other, which angers Jacob.

One of the ruthless vampires, James, tricks  Bella into coming to “save” her mother. James tries to kill Bella, but she is saved by the Cullen family, who kill James.

Falling Action:
Edward tries to convince Bella that she will be safer away from him, but they cannot bear to be apart. They continue their forbidden love.

They return to Forks and attend prom like a normal high school couple. Bella expresses that she wants to become a vampire, but Edward refuses to let this happen.

Literary Qualities:
There is a vast amount of imagery used when describing beauty of the vampires and the love between Edward and Bella.  Mood is the most important theme addressed in the text; taking you from drama, to horror, and romance within a few pages.

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